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Moki Total Control Universal Dashboard

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Android - Agent

This category covers Moki's Agent/Device Administrator management solution.


This category covers Moki's iOS management solution.

Android Enterprise

This category covers Moki's Android Enterprise management solution.


This category covers Moki's BrightSign management solution.


This category provides general FAQs about Moki's solutions.

News & Updates

This category provides news and updates.
  • When you log into Moki, you will now see a Universal Dashboard with the ability to view device counts across Moki’s Agent, Android Enterprise, and BrightSign platforms. 
  • You will see devices across all platforms on the map as well.
  • Each platform can be accessed by clicking on the platform label above each device count or using the menu option at the top-left.
  • The search bar at the top also provides the ability to search across platforms by Device Name, Serial Number, and MAC Address.

moki agent android enterprise

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