Apple Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) and Moki

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Sign Up for Apple’s DEP 

  1. Go to ( for business customers & for education customers)

  2. Click “Enroll Now”

  3. Fill out the required information

  4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication on your Apple ID Account

  5. Return to

  6. Login and provided business details

    • You must acquire a DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) number. To do this go to  

    • You can complete this process online and in one session but bear in mind this registration is for your business. If you work for a large corporation you may already have a DUNS assigned so find out first.

  7. Confirm and submit your information

  8. You will be forced to log in again to   

  9. Select Volume Purchasing Program > Get Started

  10. Next, you must configure your account to work in the enterprise app store and accept the terms and conditions

  11. Choose your apps and start the purchase process for one

  12. Next, you will be prompted to supply billing info to the enterprise app store which should just consist of adding your stored account card security code

  13. Once you have confirmed your billing information you will need to download your Managed Distribution token for upload into Moki. Save that token and upload it to your Moki account

Adding your token to Moki

Once you have successfully created your VPP account and downloaded your token, you will need to upload that token to Moki. Follow these instructions:

  1. Login to

  2. Click on “Account Settings”

  3. Scroll down to the “VPP Setup” section of settings and click on the “Upload”:

  4. Once uploaded your “VPP Setup” section will look like this:

  5. If you have already acquired licenses for apps from VPP you will see them in your Apps tab. These apps will have a “Yes” next to them:

  6. Clicking on the app details will show you a new VPP information tab which shows your license statistics:

  7. You will also notice a new “Sync VPP Now” button on the app page. Clicking this button will add any newly licensed apps automatically into your Moki account:

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