If Consumers Are Ready. Retailers Should Be Too.

If Consumers Are Ready To Give In-Store Technology A Go, Retailers Should Be Too.

It feels like wearable technology has been coming for a long time. Yet, while there’s been a great deal of buzz surrounding product launches and market developments, the concept hasn’t caught the everyday consumer’s imagination.

However, all this is set to change if a new wearable technology survey is to be believed. More than half (53%) of consumers now claim to be interested in using smart wristbands as part of their shopping experience, while 1 in 10 would be prepared to pay for goods via smartwatch.

For retailers, even the thought of a store experience incorporating wearable technology is a stark awakening. Many of them are still grappling with stalled tablet projects that have failed to progress to mass deployment.

Read our previous blog post: why is it so hard to roll out tablets in retail stores?

But if consumers have an appetite for incorporating digital capabilities into brick and mortar shopping, the time has come for retailers to revisit their mobile pilots and start bridging the gap between the online and in-store shopping experiences.

Do I really Need Mobile Technology In My Stores?
The benefits of in store technology are manifold; tablet-led customer service gives shoppers the high definition, interactive experience they expect online, puts them in charge of their store experience and heightens their engagement with products and services.

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It also empowers retail personnel, bringing the endless aisle, real-time availability of ecommerce to the store. Sales associates no longer have to rely on retained knowledge to answer product questions, or ‘check out back’ to see if something’s in stock. They can answer queries, cross-sell and up-sell from any point around the store, and queue bust to ensure each customer’s experience is optimised from start to finish.

However, none of this is possible without secure, reliable hardware and an effective mobile device management (MDM) strategy – something that caught many retailers out first time around.

Moki’s MDM software is specifically built to lock down customer facing devices, like those used in retail.  If you are interested in learning more about how Moki can help your business, please call us at (844) 665-4669 or request a demo at moki.com/demo.


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