Edit Device Information – BrightSign

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Once a BrightSign device is enrolled in Moki, you can edit the device Name, Model. Setup ID, MAC Address, Location, Latitude, Longitude, and Description

Edit Device 

  • In order to edit a device from Moki, you will first navigate to the Devices tab on the top menu
  • Select the device you desire to edit
  • Click the ‘edit’ icon to the right of the Commands dropdown
  • Edit the desired fields and Save

Edit Device Name

*NOTE: Devices must have Firmware Version 8.5.35 or higher
  • In order to edit the Device Name, click on the device name under the Details
  • The field will open to be editable
  • Hit Enter or click the check mark to apply the name change
  • If the device does not have the proper settings to allow for toggling the name set, you will see a pop up notifying of this.
    • If you hit Proceed, the name change will process and the device will reboot a couple of times as part of the process
  • Once you hit Proceed, check in the device Action History and you will see a RENAME DEVICE action
  • Once the action shows COMPLETED, the name change is complete and all device reboots are finished

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