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Release Notes - Android Enterprise

July 17, 2024

  • Policy Reporting Update

    • We have made a change to our Android Enterprise platform and how the Policy for each device is reported.

    • There are two Policy fields available for sorting in the Devices tab, Device Groups and Reports. These two fields were previously called Policy Name and Applied Policy. Previously, both of these fields would display the Policy that was currently applied and active on each device.

    • In order to improve reporting and visibility when Policies are changed, we have changed the field previously called Policy Name, to be called Assigned Policy. This field will now display the Policy that has been assigned to a device, even if the device has not yet received that Policy. The Applied Policy will display the Policy that is active on the device.

      • For example, with the new setup, if a device currently has Policy A applied to it, Policy A will show as the Assigned Policy as well as the Applied Policy. Then, if that device is switched to Policy B, but the device is currently offline, it will show Policy B as the Assigned Policy, and Policy A as the Applied Policy. This will remain until the device comes online and receives the new Policy. Once the device comes online and receives Policy B, then it will update to show Policy B as both the Assigned Policy as well as the Applied Policy.

    • In addition to seeing the Assigned Policy and Applied Policy in the columns within the Devices tab, the Assigned Policy and Applied Policy will also display in the Device Details section when a device is selected in the Devices tab.

    • Both fields will continue to be able to be used for sorting and filtering under the Devices tab, Device Groups, and Reports.

***Please note, if you currently have any Device Groups or Reports that were using the Policy Name as a filter (now called the Assigned Policy), you may want to consider updating those to use the Applied Policy in order to filter only by devices that have the applied active Policy on them.

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