Release Notes 2.0.73 – Android Agent, Android Enterprise, and BrightSign
Improved UI for Device Groups in Agent, Android Enterprise and BrightSign platforms. Device Group cards are now larger for easier visibility and filter items can all be seen now as well

Previously the Universal Search on the Dashboard searched for devices of all Statuses and States
Now the search by default will only include Checked-In or Active Devices
If users wish to include Checked-Out and Deleted devices they will be able to select the “Include Deleted/Checked Out Devices” check box

Search options have been added to Pre-Registration to more easily find existing device records
Users can now search for devices under the Pre-Registration records using the Complete ID, Complete Device Nickname, or the Complete Enrollment Code

Users now have the option to select to use cellular data for Android Enterprise enrollment instead of wifi for cellular-enabled devices
Users will select the Use Mobile Data check box when generating the Enrollment Token

Button to add a new app configuration for Android Enterprise apps has moved locations and has a new look
The option to add a new app configuration can now be found on the right-hand pane when selecting an app in the Apps tab

User Preferences has moved locations
User Preferences used to be accessed under the main top-right dropdown menu. Users can now access it through the Account Settings option in the top-right dropdown menu