Release Notes 2.0.74 - Android Agent, Android Enterprise, and BrightSign
May 10, 2022
If a user tries to delete a device(s) that currently has an App Lock Profile applied a warning message will prompt informing of the presence of an App Lock Profile on the device(s)

Users can now collapse or expand the Device Groups and Folders list under the Device Groups tab.

Improved UI for all Android Enterprise App Configurations
For any apps that support Android Enterprise App Configurations there is an updated and improved UI
All settings options are the same, just with a different layout
**Any already-existing app configurations will remain with the old UI. In order to update to the new UI, a new App Config would need to be created

New Options to clone Android Enterpris App Configs and Delete from the list of App Configs
- **These new options will only show up for App Configs utilizing the new UI (See bullet point above)

Android Version now available to add to Devices tab column options