Universal Search – Take Search to Individual Platform

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Android - Agent

This category covers Moki's Agent/Device Administrator management solution.


This category covers Moki's iOS management solution.

Android Enterprise

This category covers Moki's Android Enterprise management solution.


This category covers Moki's BrightSign management solution.


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Moki now offers the ability to take searches from the Dashboard into a specific portal with devices that match the search criteria. For example if you have multiple devices with “Moki” in the name, but you only want to see the devices with Moki in the name in the Agent portal.

How to: 

1.   Find yourself in Moki’s Total Control Dashboard

2.   Type in the name of the desired search criteria in the search bar. You will then be prompted with the various portals that hold devices matching the search criteria.

3.  Click on the desired portal (i.e. Search Agent, Search Enterprise, etc.), allowing you to be taken to the portal showing the devices which matched the search criteria.


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