Upload Tags to Devices in Bulk – Android Enterprise

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The Upload Tags feature allows users to upload a list of devices and assign tags to those devices in bulk. This can be done with the following steps:
  1. Create and save a CSV file with the following column headers
    1. Tag Name – Only one tag can be used per upload. The first tag will be applied to all devices in the CSV
    2. Device Identifier – Either the device Serial Number or UDID
    3. Identifier Type – Either “id” or “sn”
      1. id =  Device Id
      2. sn = Serial Number
      3. Here is an example of what the file should look like
  2. Navigate to the Devices Tab
  3. Select Upload Tags from the three line menu in the top-right corner of the device list
  4. In the pop-up, click Select CSV
  5. Find and select the previously created and saved CSV file
  6. Click Finish Upload

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