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Reimagining Healthcare Settings with an MDM Solutions

Healthcare is a critical industry that requires efficient and secure mobile device management. Moki provides a comprehensive MDM solution that helps healthcare organizations of all sizes to manage and secure their mobile devices. Our technology enables engaging interactions for patients and can even streamline patient care. This blog post will discuss how Moki’s MDM solution can help facilitate patient engagement and greater efficiency overall.

MDM in Healthcare: Improving the Patient Care Experience 

MDM is essential for healthcare facilities that use mobile devices to ensure an efficient way of managing, monitoring, and updating those devices. In addition, users or admins can also lock access on the device to only the desired app(s), so users can only access your specified content. In doing so, healthcare facilities benefit from increased control over their devices while decreasing the labor associated with managing device fleets.

MDM solutions from Moki are revolutionizing healthcare efficiency. By providing scalability, remote device monitoring, and management capabilities, healthcare facilities can reduce device downtime and improve patient care with better data and informational resources access. The ability to distribute and manage settings remotely further streamlines the delivery of healthcare services. It eliminates the need to wait and send someone onsite to the device to resolve any issues.

Examples & Associated Benefits of MDM in Healthcare Settings

Moki’s mobile device management (MDM) solution is ideal for healthcare providers looking to streamline their processes and increase efficiency. With MDM, hospitals, dental offices, and long-term care facilities can easily manage and monitor their mobile devices remotely while reducing the cost of managing multiple devices. Here are some great examples of how MDM is being used in the healthcare industry and its associated benefits:

1. Security/HIPAA 

MDM in healthcare settings ensures that devices and applications are always up-to-date, with the latest security features and updates. Moreover, any patient data entered or stored on Moki-powered devices is done through an application or website that cannot be accessed outside of authorized providers. This means greater security for patient data that complies with HIPAA regulations.

2. Patient Care Improvements

MDM can improve patient care by facilitating communication with healthcare providers, allowing for better patient education and understanding of treatment options and easier access to pertinent patient information. Ultimately, these benefits can result in improved outcomes for patients.

3. Streamlined Patient Check-ins 

Moki MDM offers healthcare facilities the opportunity to streamline patient check-ins with digital kiosks. This allows for an improved patient experience, reduced wait times, and increased efficiency in the registration process.

4. Telehealth Lockdown Capabilities 

Moki makes it possible to lock down devices for medical settings, allowing for secure telehealth and patient monitoring and communication. With Moki’s MDM capabilities, healthcare providers can rest assured that their devices are only used for their intended purpose and are secure from unauthorized access.

Moki: Offering Industry-Wide MDM Solutions for Healthcare Professionals 

Moki’s MDM solution is the perfect choice for healthcare professionals managing and monitoring their mobile devices. Our user-friendly remote management system allows healthcare facilities to stay on top of their device updates and settings while saving on time and labor. Our MDM solutions help provide a more engaging patient care experience while streamlining check-in processes, improving patient outcomes, and locking down mobile devices for enhanced security and peace of mind.

Contact us today to learn more about Moki’s MDM solutions for healthcare facilities!


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