Manager Tour 5.6 – App Lock Policy

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This tour explains the App Lock policy 

An App Lock policy allows you to lock supervised devices to just one app. A device with App Lock on it should remain plugged in or the battery will drain. Fortunately, if the device becomes unplugged or loses battery power, it will boot back into the app when it receives enough power to operate.

Devices in App Lock mode cannot be powered down, the home button is unaccessible, the control panel and notifications screen are disabled, multi-tasking gestures are disabled and Guided Access mode is turned off. If the device loses it’s WiFi signal it is very difficult to bring the device back online without help. Preventative measures should be taken when using this policy by loading multiple WiFi policies on a deice that can be used as hotspots. For information on setting up WiFi profiles see this article called Manager Tour 5.3 – WiFi Policy.

To create an app lock policy, either select the app from the Select Managed App drop-down list, or enter the app ID or bundle id in the Enter app or bundle id field. You need to do only one of these options.

When you are finished, enter a name for this policy in the Policy Name field, and then click Save Policy.

Saving a passcode policy in MokiManage automatically activates the policy to the profile you have selected in the Profile drop-down list. Once saved, your policy is activated for your profile, which you can see in the Active Policies section on the right side of the screen.

To install a profile on a device see Manager Tour 3.3 – Actions Bar, section 8.

Next Tour » Manager Tour 5.7 – Global Proxy Policy

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