Manager Tour 3.3 – Actions Bar

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This tour will show what is contained in the actions bar 

The actions bar is where actions are applied to devices. Manager recognizes the type of device selected, Android or iOS and reveals the available actions that can be performed on that device. We will go over each icon and option available in the actions bar.

1 –   + icon

The + icon is another option to create an enrollment template (also found in the Enroll tab, for more information see the article Manager Tour 4 – Enroll Tab). When clicked select the platform of the device you are trying to enroll in Manager. Select any apps or profiles (if using iOS) created in your account as well as any tags already created in your account and hit Save. This will give you a 7 character enrollment code to use with your enrollment or an option to download a configuration profile if using Apple Configurator to enroll iOS devices. These templates are stored in the Enroll tab.

2 –   Refresh Table Icon

This button will refresh the table and clear any filters or searches that were active. This button is frequently used after sending an action to the device and you want to see if the action has taken effect yet. This will not refresh the entire web browser page, just the table. Also, devices are not effected when the Refresh Table icon is clicked as there is no command being sent to the device.

3 –   Table Manager Icon

This contains the available display fields within the device list. When the icon is clicked a box will pop-up displaying  Available Fields (2) and Selected 5/5). By default the maximum number of fields, 5, are Selected, or active. To use one of the Available Fields one of the Selected must be dragged over to the Available Fields section, thus making room for a new field in the Selected. When you have finished editing click the Save button. This display is cookie based for the particular user on that particular computer and internet browser. Thus in Chrome you could have one set of displays and within Firefox you could have another set. If cookies are cleared then the table will be restored to the default settings.

4 –   Action History Icon

This takes you to the screen where you can access the last 100 actions performed on the devices. This view displays the Action that was attempted and the item (such as an app name), who requested the action or if it was a scheduled action, the date of the request, the number of devices the action was sent to, the number of total actions sent to that device, if it succeeded, is pending or if there was an error and how it was requested (Client). Scheduled means it was a scheduled action from the Actions tab, Web means it was requested from the computer and Server means it was requested from the Web. Occasionally you will see a refresh button next to the action. This is telling you that you can refresh the screen to see if there has been a change. This appears if an action is still pending 20 minutes after the initial attempt.

5 –   Trash Can Icon

This will remove any selected device(s) from Manager. It will not remove their MDM enrollment from the device so if you look at the device it will still look enrolled but it is not. The only way to get a device back in Manager that has been deleted is to reenroll in Manager again. Removing a device from this list will also delete the same device from any apps it is enrolled in. To know what apps it will be removed from click the Jump-To icon next to the device and a list will pop-up containing all the apps it is enrolled in.

6 –   Download Device List Icon

This option allows you to receive an CSV file emailed to you of your devices. You will receive an email from that contains a link to download the file. The information the file contains cannot be customized. The information contained in the file is:

  • UDID – Unique Device ID of the device
  • Nickname – The name displayed in the device list of Manager
  • Name on Device – Name of the device, either the name contained in the About section of iOS settings or the last six characters of the MAC address for Android devices
  • OS – Operating System
  • OS Version – The number of the Version the device is running
  • Enroll Date – The date the device was most recently enrolled in Manager
  • Last Seen – The date and time the device last communicated with Manager.
  • Alerts – Any alerts that are currently triggered on the device
  • Battery Level – Gives the percent that battery level is at. The field is not formatted for a percent

7 – Actions

When a device(s) is selected this option becomes accessible. The options displays information relative to the device that is selected, iOS or Android. We will review the available options for the different devices.


  • Lock – Locks the screen
  • Reset Password – Clears the device’s password, if there is one. Thus making it so there is no password setup on the device
  • Airplay with Apple TV – Prompts you for the credentials of an Apple TV that is within range of the device. The device will connect with that Apple TV
  • End Airplay with Apple TV – Ends any connection the device has with an Apple TV
  • Get Apps Feedback – If an app has a feedback URL configured this will fetch the information and return it to the desired URL. Feedback URL’s are setup in the Apps tab, refer to the article Manager Tour 6 – Apps Tab
  • Factory Reset – This will factory reset the device and take it back to it’s default settings as if it is fresh out of the box
  • Refresh – Pings the device for it’s Device Details and Inventory, see the article Manager Tour 3.2 – Device Information for exactly what is contained in Device Details and Inventory. This does not impact the user experience on the device
  • Clear Alerts – If there are any active alerts on the device this will clear the icon and status, thus giving the device a fresh bit of info for the next set of pings


  • Lock – Locks the screen
  • Reset Password – Clears the device’s password, if there is on. Thus making it so there is no password setup on the device
  • Factory Reset – This will factory reset the device and take it back to it’s default settings. If this is performed on a rooted device it will not remove the root
  • Wake – Wakes the screen
  • Restart – Restarts the device
  • Refresh – Pings the device for it’s Device Details and Inventory, see the article Manager Tour 3.2 – Device Information for exactly what is contained in Device Details and Inventory. This does not impact the user experience on the device
  • Clear Alerts – If there are any active alerts on the device this will clear the icon and status, thus giving the device a fresh bit of info for the next set of pings

8 – iOS Profiles

When an iOS device(s) is selected this option becomes accessible. This will display all available profiles that can be sent to the device. There are some profiles that are only able to be applied to Supervised devices that have been setup through Apple Configurator. Supervised devices have access to all profiles. For help on setting up a Supervised device refer to the article iOS MDM Account Setup with Apple Configurator. The list of profiles depends on the profiles that have been configured. For help setting up profiles please refer to the article Manager Tour 5.0 – Profiles Tab.

9 – Apps

This options displays apps relative to the device that is selected, iOS or Android. When an app is selected it will send the command to install the app to the device.

Next Tour » Manager Tour 3.4 – Searching and Filtering Devices

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